Thursday, March 26, 2009


I forgot much of my last dream, so I don't think that I will bother with it anymore.

Lately I have had a vivid reoccurring dream that feels...different than a normal dream.

It starts off in downtown Denver, my mom and I have moved into a small apartment because her and my step-dad separated. Something political has just went down, it is all on the news, there are massive riots, and although I think Obama will be a good/okay president, in my dream he is the cause of it.
Things start to spiral out of control in most of the major cities in the US. Denver is of course the main focus in my dream because that is where I live.
As the riots get more and more out of control the military and the government start to step in(For some reason they are two very different groups in my dream.) The military plows people down with bullets, not paying any attention who is doing what. The primary objective of the military seems to be to kill as many people as possible.
The government is less likely to be noticed. The military seems very noticeable with their automatic weapons and fatigues, but most of the government members(usually politicians, CIA, other random groups) seem like ordinary people.
When the riots and fighting first start everyone continues living their day to day lives. They don't care as long as no one involves them, and most seem to think that everything will die down and return to normal in a couple of days.
But it doesn't.
Soon people are fleeing their homes as massive raids start. The Gov't people get you to trust them in groups. They promise seven to ten people at a time that they will lead them to freedom, but in actuality lead them around in circles and play games with them until finally they kill them all. They are worse than the military in the dream because they are deceptive, and get enjoyment out of torture, where the military just fires without any games.

My ex-step-dad contacts me. I try and get him to help me find my mom, but he refuses. He keeps pointing to pictures of my mom on walls around the room where he is staying saying,
"Your mom is right here, why would we go look for her?"
He seems brainwashed and weird. Weirder than he has ever seemed before.
He sits all day and stares out the window, and I leave to find my mom.

I become part of a large group of victims who have lost their homes and roam the streets looking for things to help them survive. They tote the weapons of fallen soldiers, and use them to kill all who are a threat.
We raid houses and steal everything that we can find, because it is very likely that the owners will never be back. It is even more likely that they are dead.
when we see bodies shot down in the steets we strip them down and take what we can.
soon one of the members turn on us. He had been on the other side the whole time.

He keeps us locked in a cement basement in an old hospital, chained to the floors. I remember running through the hospital escaping, but I am not entirely sure how I did it.
Once again the city swallows me up, but the man is still on our trail. I feel hopeless.

Eventually I escape. I hide in a semi-truck that is headed to Kansas to pick up weapons.
I meet some people a little ways away from there, and although I know that people are being decieved by everyone, I trust them.

The Midwest is far better off than any other area of the country. The riots never really got out of control as much, and although some of the same damages are present, not to the extent of other states.
The people I meet happen to be my teacher Dylan(we call our teachers by first name) and his blonde haired boyfriend(I don't even know if Dylan is gay, and for some reason, as much as this blonde guy turns up, he doesn't have a name.)
(On another note, I have no idea why the hell Dylan is in Kansas either, he's from Denver, but whatever haha)
They tell me that they escaped with the help of a young woman, and that they are looking for a safe place to go. They have a car, but no where to drive it.
I tell them about my aunt Tammy who lives in the suburbs of Kansas City, and they agree to take me there if I can work a way out for them to stay there.
When we finally arrive my aunt is more than willing to let all three of us stay, but I tell her that I have to go back and find my mom. Dylan says he will work on puting up temp rooms in the basement, and the blonde guy agrees to help me.

I'll skip through all the boring travel parts, and randoms chases.

We find my mom with a group hidden in a prison.
The group includes my mom,
and old black grandmother, and her grandson,
six or so white children who all strangely look related
and an old white couple who have lost all their family.

My mom is in very bad shape. She won't eat and she barely resembles the person that she used to be.
The old man describes that a young black man name Theon brought her to them after she had been beaten and left for dead on the side of the road.
He tells me that she hasn't eaten in almost two weeks, and that she screams in her sleep sometimes.
I tell them that I may be able to help them.
Everyone agrees to come with me and the blonde guy, and on the way back I spot someone that I knew from school that I used to be close with. Davey. His face is bleeding, and he is afraid to come with me. I tell him that Dylan is at the place we are going and I see a spark in his eyes.
He agrees to go.
When we arrive my aunt tells me that we will have to pay for our own food, and any water or electricity that we use.
Davey and I get jobs as checkers at the local grocery store, and I also stock at night. the blonde guy is an accountant or something and does his own thing. Dylan stays home and takes care of the Children, my mother, and the older people.
Eventually everyone but my mom moves into apartments in the area. We go back and get more people and it goes again. My ex-step-dad comes too, but he is very distant and doesn't care about anything.
My mom gets a little better,
but then three kids die.
we bury them in shallow graves in the backyard because we have no money.
The house is raided because there is supposed to be "terrorists" hiding there
then I woke up...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dreamlog #1

I had returned to the city that I had left in my childhood, yet the city was no longer the city that it once was. I barely recognized anything, the community seemed to have shrunk, the paved roads and businesses had all disappeared, and in their place were sand brown square huts which all seemed to share a desert-like quality, and paths throughout the cobblestone street that resembled moving sidewalks from airports- to the extreme. I was there to meet my cousin Bobby, who insisted that I only call him Ray(His middle name, and his fathers name). When I arrived however, I also met his two sisters Savannah, and Kristin. I was there it seemed, because I was of age to move out of my parents house, and having no where else to go, I took the first generous offer that I had received.

The home was quite large, and also made of the sandy-brown-pinkish stone. My living quarters were almost a separate building, and had a large exterior entrance. there was a moving sidewalk that ran all the way to the doorway(there was no actual door) where a security guy of middle-eastern descent stood, and the big triangular gates made for park and road closings stood. I would fly over these, and land on the other side. Walking down the hall there were egg crates, turned on their sides and stacked, they were all filled with books. further down the "hall" room sat a queen size mattress on the floor, surrounded by egg crates as well. At the very end was a left turn, which ended with a small toilet, and a stand up shower that was hidden from view of the Hall-Room. A two sinked cabinet was in view from the Hall however, it's counter was pink with blue dots like from a hospital.

I soon learned that above the main house was another building. Actually, it was all the same building, but it was called a different building. Above was a church. A church that my cousin Bobby had failed to mention to me in all of our phonecalls. As I stared him in the face he didn't look the least bit guilty, but he looked old. His face was creased and worn, even though I knew he couldn't have been over 23. His beard was long and untamed, and his clothes baggy, something I had never seen before.
He lead me upstairs and we sat on a dark finished pew with red cushions. Savannah and Kristin joined us. He told me that God had contacted him, and that God told him that he was the only one that he could contact, that no other human would listen hard enough to hear what he was saying. I was frightened. Savannah and Kristin looked at me with very serious faces, Kristin was still plump and pasty white. Her clothes hadn't changed much, worn T-shirts stained with dirt, baby-vomit, and sweat, paired with ripped sweatpants.
Savannah stared at me, waiting for some type of reply, I had none. Her looks had changed drastically. Her emo-goth look with her dyed black hair had disapeared. Instead sat a pudgier, lighter looking person. She wore no make-up, and as I looked around, I realized that Kristin didn't either. Her light-blonde hair was cut to her chin, in a 90's-esqe fashion. She wore a crisp white t-shirt underneath a pair of beige courdory overall-shorts that I swear she owned at seven or eight. Her lips seperated as if she was going to speak, but the words finally came from Bobby's mouth.
He explained that he understood any shock that I may be going through, but that he would like me to open my mind to the word of God before I judged so haistily. I decided to give him a chance, and with that oppourtunity, he decided to show me around his institution.

First we visited the nursery, and I automatically recognized two of my cousin Kristin's kids. Issac and Aaron, her oldests. They were helping the younger children play and eat and even changed their dipers. Issac was 10, Aaron 9. Bobby explained that eight of the children were Kristin's kids, 4 were savanah's, and 17 were his with various "disciples of the church".

More in next post. I decided to right about this dream because it was so vivid and detailed. I have never had a dream that had so much to it, and that I remembered so much of. I will try to either draw(which I am terrible at) what some of this looks like, or find pictures that resemble it.
If you are still reading I applaud you. My writing is disjointed and mispelled the majority of the time. Part of this is that I am recalling this from my memory, and some details seem unclear, so I skip them. If you have ever had a dream that was so detailed and long, please share with me! I am interested to hear about it! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Ha I love how I am acting like someone will actually read this!
