Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I rode a scooter from Missouri to Louisiana and it only took like, 3 hours XD and on the sides of the scooter were little two little wire baskets, two of my cousins were in them. When we got to Louisiana we went on a forest adventure that looked like we were in Oregon, and while we were in the forest I saw my cousin's cat Azrael and said "Look Kailha, your cat followed behind us all the way here."

Then she asked if we should put her cat in one of the mesh baskets and take her home with us and I say "Nah, I think she likes to walk."

Then we ate pizza from Pizza Street, and while we were there, we saw my mom and aunt, because they had decided to go to Louisiana to eat Pizza Street as well. (I don't even know if they have Pizza Street in Louisiana.)

It went on from there, but I forgot the rest.
I think I need to start actually putting my dreams here again o.o I've been slacking.

I awake.
I find myself in a place I have never been, yet it feels so familiar.
The sun is hidden behind a wall of clouds.
Redwood trees loom over me, and I feel insignificant in their presence. I stand and look around. The air becomes cold on my skin, and I realize I am naked.
I start walking, but I don't know what way to go. Anxiety grips me as I spin around and around in circles, looking for any clues to lead me somewhere.
I sit down, and begin to cry. I feel so confused, I feel betrayed, but I don't understand why I have these feelings.
I fall asleep.
I hear running water and I am started awake.
I am laying on a riverbank, still naked, but now covered in scrapes and bruises. It's getting dark. I pull myself up and look around. The forest is empty, and almost silent.
I begin to shout, but there is no answer. Each word comes out more and more panicked. Silence roars back at me with such an intensity that I don't even hear the gurgle of the river anymore.

I start to run. I follow the river downhill, not knowing what direction I am going. Soon my legs begin to burn, and my heart thumps loud. I feel so weak, I just want to stop, to lay down, and feel the energy of the earth course through my body.
But I don't.
I continue to run, and finally when I feel like I can't go a step farther, I see a house in the distance. My spirit is suddenly renewed, and I feel like I could run forever. I sprint towards the house and stop at its door.

I stand nervously in front of the shack, and work up the courage to knock. I hear rustling inside, and I wonder if I should turn back. But I stay. The door opens, and in front of me is myself. When I see me I start to cry, and my other self does as well, and I reach for me, to comfort myself, and suddenly I am alone again, in the woods with no house in sight.