Thursday, August 26, 2010

Starting from what I can remember, we are in a chamber. It is very open and circular in shape. It is very large, and stairs line the paremeter, with sections of flat floor every so often. This is a home, or was a home. Now it is some type of school, or perhaps a camp of detainees of some sort. We are all performing tasks, like schoolwork. I begin to socialize, moving through the different levels to the far side of the room, and then coming back down on the opposite side. I am trying to be quiet as I talk to those around me, but it seems like I am talking through a megaphone, and eventually a booming voice yells at me, and as i turn towards it, I see my ex-step-dad. He seems to be like a teacher here.

I walk off, this part of my dream seems a little shaky, and I do not remember what happens. Then I am in a different part of the mansion, with my cousin Bobby, and his dad Ray. This house Belongs to Ray, or at least it seems that way. He takes us into part of the house that is mostly destroyed, there iare concrete slabs broken everwhere, and the house begins to look less like a house, and more like a cave.

Ray gives us some gear, ropes, flashlights, and other random gadgets. Then we set off into the darkness.

Below is like a tomb, long forgotten, there are traps everywhere, and it looks like we are in an ancient city. I forget what we are looking for. We find something and return back to the surface.

We do this a few more times, and then I feel a sense of urgency. I remember seeing someone in a sectioned off part of the mansion close to where we are. It is in a delapidated state just as the entryway to the underground. There I find two kids, around 5 and 9. They are very worried about me finding them, and think that I should leave. It seems like they are related to me somehow, but I do not know how.

I leave, and return back to Ray and Bobby, who are talking about the treasures and dangers that are found below. Our last run Bobby and I seemed to have cut it close, and Ray warns us about returning again.

Later I visit the kids again, they are very upset and I feel a presence watching me from the shadows. Suddenly it becomes apparent we must leave, and all three of us run, with me following them.

Then I am with a new group of people on bikes, we are all running from something, it is sinister and there is once again urgency in our trip. The types of bikes are all different, and I am riding a normal mountain bike. I follow behind those who know where we are headed. Then I forget what happens.

We stop somewhere, but again my dream is very shaky at this point, but the cops find us, and they are working with the bad thing. We jump on the bikes, and somehow I am left with the large two person bike with giant handles. It keeps tipping and is very hard to control. We start slowing down and end up at a gate, I feel them just behind us, finally we break the lock and burst into a city, where we find a giant slab of cement covering a large, slightly shallow hole. We all climb in, dropping down to the hearth below. Once we get inside we realize this is where we are supposed to be and take our places. Some people are on a large rectangle of earth that is raised, with trenches dug and people sleeping inside. When I look around I spot someone who eerily looks like me, but doesn't at the same time. She smiles at me. Then I realize that there is another for each person here. There is music in the background, and a man stands up and starts to chant and we all follow, and this feels pure, and right.

Then I black out.

Later I return to the Mansion. When I walk in I am in a smaller chamber where many long tables are set up. Bobby greets me, and asks me if I want to buy anything, I look over the goods and select a video tape, and sit down amongst the people, when I realize that they are all buying my stuff. When I try and gather up my belongings people become angry and I try and bargain and trade with them. They don't want to. Bobby tells me that we can share the profits, but its my stuff, so I don't know why he should get any of it. We get into an argument, and I follow him down into the caves once again.

Then I woke up.

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